Insomniac 1.1.1 for PowerBooks and PCI Power Macs

Abstracts from files in info-mac/cfg/pb as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

Note: This utility works only on those Macintosh models that can wake
themselves up (PowerBook 100 & 150, PowerBook 500 and 5300 series,
PowerBook Duos, and PCI-based Power Macintoshes).

Some PowerBooks have the ability to wake themselves up. This is very
convenient, for automatically sending faxes or email in the middle of the

However, the "PowerBook" or "Energy Saver" Control Panel provided by Apple
only allows you to enter a single wakeup time. This prevents you from
scheduling multiple wake-up sessions. For example, if you wanted to send
your faxes at 1:00am, and then download some files at 2:00am, you'd have to
stay up until 1:00am, and reset the wakeup timer manually.

Insomniac allows you to program up to fifty wakeup "events" (registered
copies only). Therefore, you can have your PowerBook wake up several times
during the night, or even program it to wake up once a night for weeks on

Changes in version 1.1.1:

- Updated manual with compatibility information.
- Properly identifies Macintosh model.
- Added core AppleEvent support.
- Added code to gracefully exit PPC application on 68K Mac.

My shareware utilities can now be registered through the Kagi shareware system.

Shareware; $10 registration fee suggested. Unregistered copies allow you
to enter up to two wake-up events.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File insomniac-111.hqx209.23 KB