TMap: A Newton Map of the Boston Subway

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 14:16-0400

When I purchased the "Fodor's 94" card for my Newton, I noticed it
didn't contain a subway map for Boston, so I wrote this fairly small
(57K on your Newton) application. The left and right arrow buttons
scroll the map as you'd expect; the normal Newton up and down buttons
work the vertical scrolling. The overview center button pops up a
little about box. You can also "grab" the map with your pen and drag it

Freeware based on an Apple-supplied example, but the program remains
Copyright Brian K. Ogilvie and his licensors (Apple makes me say this).
May be included in any CD-ROM redistribution of the Info-mac archive.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File boston-subway-map.hqx21.23 KB
File Type: 