
Why spend hours converting measurement units with look-up tables and
calculations when Equalizer, the first ever spreadsheet unit conversion
program, can do it for you in seconds? Equalizer has it all - more than 1,500
units in 80 groups, the ability to do 261 conversions at a time, print and
save options and so much more!

Read the abbreviated manual (included) and try this partially disabled
Sampler. If you like what you see, order the full program by sending $49.95
(money order, company P.O., Amex, check) to Bare Hill Software, 97 Eastern
Boulevard #254, Canandaigua NY 14424-220. Call us at 716-554-5440, E-mail us
at Bare Hill@aol.com or Fax us at 716-554-4223 for more information!

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/sci/equalizer-sampler.hqx

File equalizer-sampler.hqx315.24 KB
File Type: 