Textureality One - Syn-Aesthetics of Sight & Touch

Yet Another Texture Artist - Demitria Monde Thraam - offers up these
clippings from her magic bag of tricks. All sorts of shapes, sizes and
colours for your desktops and/or design works...from Eye-Bleeders to
Mellow-Outed, and everything in between.

Textureality clippings are ready-made for dragging into the Desktop
Picture control panel that comes with Mac OS 8.0+. To use as web page
backgrounds (or in an older desktop picture program like Decor) copy
directly in Finder and paste into your favourite image editing program
for saving as a .gif or .jpeg file. 3-D designers can save them as PICT
files for use as surfaces for rendering 3-D objects.

Texturealities are FREE of charge...as such lovingly-created things
should be - but in this Kagi-happy era, often AREN'T...No Guilt Trippage
here, this is not my style of Trip... :}


Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/gui/txtr/textureality-1.hqx

File textureality-1.hqx786.76 KB