Apple 1 Cassette Prototype

031905-Apple1CassettesMorph.jpg - A quick and dirty "Morph"...not really, I just pasted 031905-Apple1Cassette.jpg on top of 031905-Apple1RealCassette.jpg and set the Opacity on 031905-Apple1Cassette.jpg to 50%. Wink

031905-Apple1RealCassette.jpg - The real Apple Cassette Interface

031905-Apple1CassetteBoardLayout.jpg - Screen Capture of the PCB layout...not tested yet, but it electrically tests against the schematics and Woz's notes.

031905-Apple1Cassette.jpg - The board I had made this week, not all the components are placed yet. I also had no 10k 1% tollerance resistors.
