Apple II

motherboard problem


Repair attempt unsuccessful, no chance of repair.

Thanks for the help.


Vertical lines at boot



Apple //c Rom 3 problem

Hi, so here is the problem. when i turn on the computer the 5.25 floppy drive will not spin at all. when i disconnect it from the board and connect my SDfloppy2 device the system will boot and play the emulation. The floppy drive does work as i connect it to my other a2 system and it boots and runs programs. any solutions? thanks.


Another II+

Saved from the dumpster! (no kidding)


Apple iigs power supply question #3

I am in trouble.

Can anyone help me?

Some of the capacitors are extremely hard to remove because there is a ton of glue on top and around them.

In removing one of them, I stretched the wires in component L7.

I don't know what this thing is because I cannot identify the symbol under it.

I don't know how to test it.

I don't know if this thing has a polarity.


Apple iigs power supply question #2.

Hi, guys.

I am replacing the capacitors on an Apple iigs power supply. The model number is 699-0126.

I found something peculiar.

I am fiddling around with two of these power supplies.

All of the radial electrolytic capacitors on these have the same value except 1!

One has a capacitor with a value of 300μF 200V.

And on the other power supply has in the same location a capacitor with a value of 330μF 200V!


Replacement cable for Apple Duo Disk?

I just got a functional and in good condition Apple IIe with green monochrome monitor and duo disk drive for $20.00. However, the duodisk cable is missing. Is there anyplace that sells them these days or any standard cable that I can use to replace it?




Apple II keyboard bulb?

So I am fortunate enough to have an early Apple II with the raised power light - but find myself in need of a replacement bulb!


IIgs system 6.0.2

What’s new for Apple IIgs System 6.0.2
After 22 years, 2 months, 2 days and 2 hours since System 6.0.1 was released, this is a summary of the visible changes. There have been many bugs fixed and many features added that are not immediately visible–they will enable developers to create better future products. Be sure to also read the Shortcuts file on the SystemTools3 disk for more information.


search for eprom content of Ehring V24 card

i am searching for the content ( readout dump ) of the
eprom from the German Ehring V24 Karte.



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