I like this site!

I'm a Linux guy familiar with PCs. Not very familiar with Macs but I've been around long enuf that my first computer was a TSR80, then an Apple //c, then an IBM PC XT. Recently I got a Performa 5200CD and also an 8 serial port Digiboard for the NuBus. The card don't go into the Performa. Not sure what to do with it now. But I'd like to use it for something. I've just ordered a book to get me familiar with the Mac hardware. My intintions is to be able to install a modern Linux system on any old PC or Mac thats come out since the mid 90s, and to get a set of old computers to act like one machine. Why let good computers go to landfill? I thought it be nice to set up the Performa as a user interface sitting next to a stack of PCs, to make a "dumpster dived" audio workstation. Thats just to show others what can still be done with "obsolete" stuff. This site seems to have others of a similar mind.