ScreenSize XFCN 1.2

ScreenSize takes no parameters. What it does is look at the main
graphics device (the screen with the menubar) and returns the size in
the form "left, top, right, bottom".

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co. 507.625.7355
522 Record St.
Mankato MN 56001-2546

Path: /www/exparrot/

File screen-size-xfcn-12.hqx6.34 KB
File Type: 