AGASlider 1.2, Source for a PowerPlant Control

AGA Slider v 1.2: A demo of an Apple Grayscale Appearance class.

AGA Slider is a Codewarrior 9/PowerPlant project for demonstrating the
CAGASlider class. It also includes "group box" and "bevel" attachment

CAGASlider is a PowerPlant LControl that looks like a slider from
the Apple Grayscale Appearance for System 7. It is not a CDEF.

Apple's docs on the AGA show you what things look like to the pixel,
but, alas, they don't explain behaviors. I had to guess, mostly by
imitating the sliders in the system control panels.

Note that, while Codewarrior 10 comes with it's own AGA classes, it does
not yet have a slider class.

Key Features:
The kind of slider (the direction of the point on the indicator)
is set via a pop-up menu in Constructor.
The number of tick marks, if any, can all be set in constructor.
Uses offscreen GWorlds for flicker-free tracking.
Reasonable black and white appearance, even when split across
multiple screens.

New in this version:
Reflects Apple's "flatter" disabled appearance (as of September 1996)
The direction of increasing values can be set in Constructor.

James Jennings

I give permission for contents of this archive to be included on the
Info-Mac CD-ROM.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File aga-slider-12-src.hqx59.47 KB
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