RoboWar 4.4

It's difficult to describe RoboWar, the game created by David Harris nearly
a decade ago. To some, it's merely an engrossing hobby. To others, it's
no less than a full-fledged obsession. And there is a small group of core
followers (myself included,) who consider RoboWar to be the greatest
computer game ever created.

The name of the game is to make autonomous robots. Using RoboTalk, the
game's programming language, you are able to program your robots to behave
in any way you choose. You can make them dance. You can make them sing.
But generally, people choose to make their robots KILL OTHERS.

Every few months, an International RoboWar Tournament is held. Players
from all over the world submit their creations to compete in this highly
anticipated event. In the Tournament, robots are unleashed in the arena,
where they promptly proceed to blow each other to bits. May the deadliest
robot win... Wink

Warning: programming robots is an addictive behavior! Those with a family
history of addiction, please take heed! Try RoboWar at your own risk!

Those willing to take the plunge may wish to join the RoboWar Mailing List.
To do so, send an email message to "", and
type in the messge body the words "subscribe robowar" (omit the quotes).
The list sometimes recieves up to 25 postings a day, so be forewarned. If
you do subscribe, you will have at your disposal the assistance and
encouragement of many enthusiastic RoboWarriors, so new players are highly
encouraged to sign on.

Also, be sure to visit RoboWar HindQuarters on the web, at
. There, you'll find everything
you need to know to start playing.

One more reason to try RoboWar: as of version 4.4, it's now freeware!
Paying a registration fee is no longer necessary (you lucky dogs!) So go
ahead, for pete's sake, and give it a shot! We'd sure like to see some
more new participants in the Fifteenth International RoboWar Tournament,
which goes down a few months from now. Hope to kill you--uh, I mean, *see*
you there. Smile

System requirements: any color mac.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File robowar-44.hqx1.19 MB
File Type: 