I'm considering selling my Powerbook Lombard but I'm really unsure as to what thier real value is. eBay has created such a wave of low and cheap prices that it's difficult to sell equipment for a decent price since so many people figure prices on ebay are "real world".
There is a local mac shop here that sells Lombards under consignment for about 549.00 Canadian, but I'm wondering if that is a tad overpriced. I would venture a decent condition Lombard could reasonably fetch maybe 300/400 dollars, more only if extras are included.
Is there a company or website that maintains a decent list of aftermarket prices?
What are the specs of your powerbook? really can't say how much its worth if the specs arn't known. I would probably pay $275 up to $325 for a 400MHz one with at least 320Mb RAM.
Mine is a 400mhz with 128mb ram, 20x cd, 6gb hard disk, 14.1 screen, wireless card, yo-yo adaptor.
I have to pay 300 for it (got it from a friend so no rush on payment) but I was wondering what the resale value is once it's back to top specs.
Nothing over $150
Certainly worth more than that in the uk...