I just put 10.3 on my wallstreet using xpostfacto, and all the install stuff went fine, but when I wanna go back to OS9.2.2, it wont let me! All I do is go to sys prefs, then start up disks, and it has OS 10.3.9, OS 9.2.2, and Network Startup. Also, if I got into the HD, I can clearly see the OS 9 sys folder, and all the right files are there, but when I choose restart it just boots up OS X! Anybody have this problem before? I would like to fix it if I can.
Oh, and does anyone know how to change the contrast in OS X.3? My contrast seems to be set way to high for me.
Thanks to Coius for helping me fix my problem, which was just a simple option key press at startup!
But the question still remains: How do I change the contrast in OS 10.3.9 panther? I have gone throught all of that control panels with no joy.
Go to the menu, select system preferences, then under "Hardware" click on "displays", select "color" from the tabs(there should be a tab that says "display" and one that says "color") then click "calibrate" or select the display profile that you like best. if you click calibrate then simply follow the directions. to make even finer adjustments when in the calibration utility click the checkbox "Expert Mode".
oops double post.
I have the same problem with the contrast in 10.2.8, but I have to set it again every time I boot. How can I make it save the setting?