Thanks to whoever finally fixed it. It was getting to the point where I just avoided coming to the fitter because I have my fonts set on largest and the fonts at the fritter were superhugesized.
But its ALL good now! Looks great!
Thanks to whoever finally fixed it. It was getting to the point where I just avoided coming to the fitter because I have my fonts set on largest and the fonts at the fritter were superhugesized.
But its ALL good now! Looks great!
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I dunno...? It takes up more that my screen will
display and my screen is set to 1280x1024 with a
small font setting! I still have to scroll back
and forth to see all of the screen content! Maybe
it's just me?
What happened to the avatars? They are way
over on the far side. Almost think they
aren't there. Just curious. Was kind of nice
when they were on the left hand side of
the entries.
On another note...The layout is very nice
compared to the last one. More color and
easier on the eyes. Just make it fit the
screen and it's a winner!
Have a good one! Woogie [:)]
Can you post a screenshot?
Well I'm not sure who you were referring to in regards to posting a screenshot, but here is a screenshot of how it looks for me now, (1024x768 screensize, IE 6.whatever, fonts set to largest, windows XP pro):
I did not resize the pic or anything.
Ummm. One thing I have noticed is that I can't copy and paste text from the open fritter windows. If anyone else has noticed that, i would be curoius to know whats happening.
Thanks bobotech, yours looks good. I'm curious about woogie's issue with it being so large he has to scroll side to side.
Regarding copy & paste, that's just weird... I can't imagine that's a setting I can have any effect on...
For all i know, it maybe some strange setting in my browser.
Personally, i would just ignore it and not make anything of it unless it starts becoming an issue for other peole as well.