need a new browser

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westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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need a new browser

i need a good browser for my wallstreet. i've tried netscape, mozilla, and opera and probably others lately. explorer kept crashing on me, so i began my search months ago starting with netscape which won't load myspace in 4.8 and doesn't even work in 7.2. opera i think was hard to find plugins for, and mozilla works best right now, but freezes with too many apps open because it takes up all 64 mb of ram. anyone know a good browser that will work well on the 250mhz wallstreet platform with the original 4gb hard drive only 64 mb of ram, and 9.2.2?

gobabushka's picture
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you might try icab

you might try icab

eeun's picture
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...or WamCom, a Mozilla deriv

...or WamCom, a Mozilla derivative. Link

westieg3's picture
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it turns out that wamcom is t

it turns out that wamcom is the mozilla application that i have. i decided to try downloading an installing the fix for it to see what that does, and mozilla runs much faster now. i'm still concerned about the lack of ram and how the computer's performance will be affected, so i'll give icab a try if mozilla continues to keep me from running other applications at a good speed. anyone know where i might download ram doubler and speed doubler? those might help some.

dankephoto's picture
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so get some more flippin' RAM!

Another 64MB (cost ought to be nearly free!!) will make OS 9 sooooo much more usable. 128MB total for any classic Mac OS is more than enough for noodling about.

wamcom 131 is my choice for 9 as well.

dan k

westieg3's picture
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ram upgrade has been my idea

ram upgrade has been my idea for ages. i'm getting an albook as my new main computer (wallstreet is the spare/toy), and i'm planning on a hard drive upgrade so it looks like the wallstreet will get a nice 60 gb hard drive as well. i'll search on ebay for ram...maybe in a donor machine since a few parts on mine are broken.

on another note...i found a copy of speed doubler available. it never came out for os 9, did it?

iamdigitalman's picture
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ram for my copy of Wamcom 131

ram for my copy of Wamcom 131 is only 35mb. that's with 2 tabs open.

on the other hand, I dont have VM turned on, and 512mb built in. my finder is taking up more than 128mb for some reason.

here's a SS:


a group of friends and I are trying to port the Mozilla 1.8 beta (and later the full version of Mozilla 1.8 ) to Mac OS 9 and earlier. hopefully we can get it to take less than 64mb, but that has been the challenge. I certinally use the IRC and mail componants of Mozilla, so Firefox is out of the question. we'll keep you updated.

-digital Wink

westieg3's picture
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okay, so a few days with the

okay, so a few days with the fix and i realize that NOTHING BLOODY WORKS. mozilla is really unstable now and keeps crashing on cetain pages even with no other apps open. i don't even know what an error of type 1 is and i wish the computer would freaking tell me. i just tried icab, and myspace doesn't even look like myspace on it. i didn't get a full page of normal html with it. what am i supposed to use that won't crash?!

dankephoto's picture
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Problem might be more basic . . .

than the browser, you might need to run a disk repair utility like DiskWarrior. Does anything at all 'stressful' run properly on this machine?

dan k

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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well right now i just got net

well right now i just got netscape 6.2 to work (for how long i don't know). the computer has been performing strange lately. the extensions strip doesn't automatically come on for me, for example. i'll run a check with the drive utility and see what it can find before i look for other software. where can i get diskwarrior or something similar anyway?

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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netscape failed. every browse

netscape failed. every browser i try crashes. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BLOODY DO NOW?!

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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It sounds like the problem is

It sounds like the problem is with your system, not your browsers.

You could start by disabling all but base system extensions, and adding them in one by one to determine if some third-party extension is the problem.
You could try deleting your internet preferences, tcp/ip preferences, etc.

It also sounds like you got p0wned by warez.

westieg3's picture
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i would wipe the hard drive,

i would wipe the hard drive, but the floppy drive already ate one of my disks and misaligned two others, and it's far too late for me to start running between computers to transfer useful files (books, movies, old games). i am beginning to lose faith in the mac as a daily user with this being my second experience of crashing computers, and i think i'm very tempted to switch to an ibm with linux on it.

cwsmith's picture
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Re: i would wipe the hard drive,

... i am beginning to lose faith in the mac as a daily user with this being my second experience of crashing computers, and i think i'm very tempted to switch to an ibm with linux on it.

With all due respect, we're talking about an 8-year-old computer with a 6-year-old operating system. Things do *eventually* begin to show their age.

I've had far worse troubleshooting problems using Intel/Windoze based systems than even the sheer hell of tracking down an extensions conflict. Patience, young Skywalker.

DrBunsen's picture
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Have you checked out any of the CPU upgrades for the Wallstreet? There's a few around, and some of them are OK in price.

Even without that, a Wallstreet will run OS X 10.2 OK with say 192 to 256 MB of RAM.

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Wallstreet has a cd rom and e

Wallstreet has a cd rom and ethernet, doesn't it? You could reload the os from cd and before doing that, transfer your important data via ethernet.

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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i need to do that. there's so

i need to do that. there's some virus on this comptuer, and jsut today i realized that explorer doesn't flipping work either since it won't give me my login window on myspace. this computer used to run better than my ibook. now it's deteriorated ot the same level.

Secret-Fire's picture
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man... putting a 60GB drive in there seems silly to me when a 20GB will be more than you'll ever use. Consider getting a cheap (I haven't seen an expensive one) 2.5" firewire enclosure that is powered by the fw bus and putting your 60gb in there instead. Unless you plan to run OS X on it, or partition it, and have a linux or netbsd bootable partition, I just don't see the point of a 60GB drive in an OS 9 laptop.

Macinjosh's picture
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Speaking of Linux...

If you're thinking of going Linux, why not go that route on your PowerBook?

I *had* an Omnibook 6000, PIII 700, 256MB of RAM. Ubuntu SMOKED.Unfortunately it was lost in the Tea Spillage Incident of 2006 (no, I didn't do it.) After mourning the loss, I pulled my PowerBook 1400c w/G3 and the max ram of 64MB out of the closet.

8.1, 8.5, 8.6 or any variant of 9 didn't matter... the thing wasn't stable. But the instability wasn't the system issues you seem to be having; it was just the stability of Classic in general. Went through these same motions with Wamcom, the last official Mozilla build, etc etc etc; and also went through the motions of crashes and freezes.

Finally I bit my tongue, took the dive, and began to pull my hair out getting Debian on it. (OK, it wasn't so bad... but still...)

I have a minimalist XFCE set up now (with half of it not even running) and with Opera 8.54, the thing FLIES compared to Mozilla, Firefox or even Galeon (which is faster but not really faster enough.) It's probably quite on par with IE5 Mac speed-wise, it's more modern, skinnable, trim-down-able (for lack of a better term.)

For anyone who's going to say "Oh yeah well youve got a hardware problem there," nope. This thing runs Debian for weeks without freezing or rebooting or freaking out at all. It's still too slow, but it is what it is for now.

With your faster bus, video, ability to use more RAM, and so on, if you set Linux up on that Wallstreet it'd be plenty fast.

Just throwing my hat and experiences in the ring...


westieg3's picture
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well as for that 60gb hard dr

well as for that 60gb hard'll be coming out of the albook i'm getting soon when i put an 80gb one in it. the albook needs to have the bottom replaced anyway, and i want to add g gundam and tenchi muyo to my video collection (both of them amount to about 20gb if not more). the wallstreet will become the storage/backup laptop.

as for debian...i tried and lost everything on the computer beforehand, but that was awhile ago and i didn't have a use for that previous data anyway. which version of debian might install with the least headaches on the wallstreet? i've heard good things about it and want to try it. does it take word? i have many word documents i wrote in my portfolio that i want to keep soft copies of.

madmax_2069's picture
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one of my friends is attemtin

one of my friends is attemting to compile a newer version of mozilla 1.8 for OS 9.2.2, and maybe seamonkey (wich is the new name for mozilla) if no one knew that. its i bit hard to do and he isnt a pro at coding or porting. but he does have it to where he can open it in Os 9.2.2 but it crashes when you try to go anywhere.

i do hope he can pull it off

Macinjosh's picture
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Which Debian

Debian Sarge is the latest version thats stable, I'd go with that. I'd also recommend Ubuntu; it covers more hardware; their forums for support are excellent, and it's still Debian, just more recent Debian.

BTW don't take my point of a nightmarish installation as an indication yours will be that way. Getting a G3 working in Linux on a 1400 has only been doable since the end of last year.

Once youre all installed (and maybe as part of the installation) you'll have OpenOffice, which is totally free and can read and alter Word files with ease.

-- Macinjosh

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Try This

Trash the following Preference files & reboot.
Mac OS

Doing this will change some of your Control Panel settings.

Cheers, Tom
Mac Troubleshooting, Maintenance & Tips

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
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Hello Brother,
I have been following your posts, and sounds like a multitude of problems,
( i have a Wallstreet !! )
1'st add some RAM..
64 MB is pretty light.
I could send a 32 MB stick for shipping cost...
(still not enough.)
Also have several floppy drives for a Wallstreet if you need a new one ...(cheap).
Also, have you ever changed the PRAM battery ?
They do not last forever !
Happy to help if I can.


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i recenty purchased a few extra sticks of RAM,
could let some 32 mb sticks go free for shipping,
64's, for 12.00$ + shipping,
Still have several nice floppy drives...


Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
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Also I would advise against purchasing a used PRAM battery from eBay. ( I did... duhhh )
Would you buy a used battery for your flashlight ?
I learned the hard way...


westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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my pram battery is long since

my pram battery is long since dead. the computer won't boot from battery if i remove the batteries, and it has shut down on me with battery at total random which i'm assuming has to due with the pram battery since i have to zap the pram to get it working again. i'm about to delete those preference files.

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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Re: Try This

Trash the following Preference files & reboot.
Mac OS

Doing this will change some of your Control Panel settings.

Cheers, Tom
Mac Troubleshooting, Maintenance & Tips

that absolutely did not work. the computer now claims that it doesn't have the ram to do anything, even after i turneed virtual memory back on. im erasing the damned hard drive and starting over once i get my files backed up.

westieg3's picture
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actually....i take that back.

actually....i take that back. i just woke the computer from sleep, and i suppose it never kicked in the vram until it was woken from sleep. it seems to be running fine since i had a jpg, avi, and mpg open in quicktime, windows media open, itunes open, and gauge pro open and monitoring the temp (highest i saw was 54 degrees celsius; i've never had the fan kick in in the 3 years that i've owned the computer). my cisco card kicks my brother's wireless connection offline, so i can't test mozilla in detail right now, but it seems to have helped. i really have no idea what to think of macs these days.

kmoniz5414's picture
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You still haven't stated....

whether or not you have gotten a new P-ram (parameter ram) battery to replace the one that you said you know is dead.

A dead P-ram battery will mess your system up so bad, that even if you erase and re-install, it won't remember where the boot drive is (which is one of the MANY things that the Pram battery helps to hold in the parameter settings)......

Replace the P-ram battery FIRST, then work on some other things...

While you're at it, check the condition of your Ram with Dimm FirstAid:

That will eliminate another possible problem.

With only 64Mb of ram you SHOULD have Virtual Memory enabled, as well, but you REALLY DO need more ram.

The last OS I ran on 64Mb ram was 8.6

"i really have no idea what to think of macs these days."

Like a previous poster stated, you're working with 8 year-old hardware. If you had a 8 year-old car with the original battery in it, you wouldn't even be able to start it, even if you jumped it.

westieg3's picture
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well my 3 year old ibook g4 h

well my 3 year old ibook g4 has given me worse issues. the main battery has already died with just desk use. so...i will love my mac one moment and then hate it the next. depends on what kind if day i'm having and how well the computer is performing.

as for a car..i'm planning on buying one that's 15, and i know plenty of people who can get it to run like a dream.

westieg3's picture
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Re: You still haven't stated....

While you're at it, check the condition of your Ram with Dimm FirstAid:

That will eliminate another possible problem.

that program doesn't support my powerbook, and it's a mess to replace the pram battery. i'm waiting to get the proper tools to open the machine and resolder my sound card so that i can just replace the pram battery at the same time.

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westieg3's picture
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ram test is for the 68k platf

ram test is for the 68k platform. i tried it anyway, and it crashed with error of type 1 (related to ram no suprise).

kmoniz5414's picture
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Re: well my 3 year old ibook g4 h

as for a car..i'm planning on buying one that's 15, and i know plenty of people who can get it to run like a dream.

I'm sure that plenty of people can get it to run like a dream, myself included.

But not with the original battery.........hehehe Smile

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
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Ram Test

Yes, I know RAM Test is described for the 68k platform, i have used it successfully thru OS9.xx with excellent results.
I think we have covered all the bases,
You don't "need a new browser" !
You need a new PRAM battery,
You need more RAM,
You need a CD drive and a good bootable directory repair utility,
like Alsoft Diskwarrior...
I found a good price on PRAM batteries here:
RAM is cheap, My wallstreet is at 256 MB.,very stable with 9.1,
(Imac Tray-loader Ram is interchangablewith the Wallstreet).
Still a very cool machine, but don't expect miracles if you don't maintain it.
There are several good take-apart guides available for the PRAM replacment on the web, Yes a pita but needs to be done.
Best wishes,

westieg3's picture
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as i said, ram test failed wi

as i said, ram test failed with an error of type 1. i still plan to do those fixes, however. with the repairs i already need to do with replacing the screen latch and resoldering the sound card, the machine will be open for a new hard drive, ram, pram battery, and maybe a 300mhz processor if i come across a donor machine with one. this computer is only my spare, but i might as well work with the ram and hard drive since the ibook is currently out of commission, and those are easy to upgrade.

protocol6v's picture
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What model iBook is it? You m

What model iBook is it? If it's a G3 you may be able to use the RAM in the Wallstreet.

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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the ibook is a g4, so the ram

the ibook is a g4, so the ram will never work in the wallstreet which is the computer in need of repair. i'm in search for a good donor machine for parts on ebay. i can't exactly fix the latch, so a donor is the only thing that makes sense.

protocol6v's picture
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Yeah the G4s had DDR RAM,

Yeah the G4s had DDR RAM,

dvsjr's picture
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I don't see what the fuss is all about.

I used IE for the Mac up until I ditched 9 for X and loved it. Internet Explorer was a real turnaround for Microsoft applications, and really started to show off some of the features of Mac apps that made the Apple platform stand out from windows. (mounting the image and dragging the app was about all you had to do to install, it also had the repair utility to fix itself, the Microsoft Mac team really did a nice job) It was always stable for me, but I guess that may be because I always made sure my Macs had plenty of resources. Lots of ram makes for a happy mac. (and evil PC too)
If you're having trouble with an older mac, maybe pick up an older OS 9 troubleshooting guide. They must be super cheap by now. Throwing out preferences, disabling extensions, ah, the good old days!

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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the simplicity of modding os

the simplicity of modding os 9 is why i love to mess with this computer. then again, the powerbook g3 series is pretty easy to do basic upgrades on as well.

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