So, I've got this 5500/225 all decked out with video-in, tv tuner, s-video, etc. I've been working the last few days to get it to work as an alternate TV. I've just gotten to hooking it to my cable. Problem is it only tunes a few channels, and they few it tunes are terrible quality. I've tried different cables from the splitter and they all give the same bad* quality. Is this the fault of the tuner card or Apple Video Player? The Video-In input seems to have higher quality.
*Edited for language by DrW. Watch it.
maybe you need to program the tuner. there should be a setting in the apple video player to detect the channels available.
Well, all the channels are there, they are just mostly static.
There should be settings for the type of channels, similiar to on old tvs to detect whether they are the 2-13 over the air or 2-125 cable channels.
You need to trim down your screen resolution. I can't remember how far down but it may be something like 800x600. Just try all the options of resolution (restart the TV tuner after each resolution change).
Where might I find these settings?