My computers won't start! :? Suddenly and for no apparent reason, they both are dead (heretofore nice units, freebies from the local middle school). I've pulled the boards, reset them, reseated the ram, checked all the plugs. The little green power light doesn't come on, and the hard disc starts spinning, then stops. Black screen on both too. I'd like to keep one of these running, because the kids enjoy the old school jump start games and triazzle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dead 5400/200 and 5500/225! What's wrong here?
June 25, 2004 - 4:16pm
Dead 5400/200 and 5500/225! What's wrong here?
-Check fuses
-Check wall socket
-Check extension leads
-Check multiplug fuses
-Check surge protector
-Check power switch at wall and plugs is on.
Thanks for the tips. Ok, I've checked the wall socket, surge protector, power switch, etc. There is power to the wall sockets and cords(other things plugged in them), except what are multiplug fuses? These computers are oddly similar, yet on two different floors of my house, and both croaked at the same time. I hadn't used them in about two months I'd say, if that makes a difference. Thanks! I'll keep trying.
If both machines were plugged in during that "two months since you last used them", I'd suspect a lighting strike or other power glitch. If both were unplugged for the two months, I'd suspect a dead PRAM battery. PRAM batteries die relatively quickly when the computer is unplugged for an extended period of time.
almost all power macs, including my 9500. use crappy chinese brand power suply's for some unknows reason as all of the other parts were great quality, what you would expect on an expensive piece of hardware, but the psu died with almost no notice(it acted wierd and wouldnt start a few weeks before)so i would bet that its either the power suply or the surge strip(if there plugged into one) as even the nicest surge strips randomly die after a while(or a good storm)
Thank you, I'll check the ps out.
Thank you, I'll replace the batteries, or at least battery and go from there.
Thanks everybody for their help. The 5400 had two dead sticks of memory (after much switching around I figured this out) and the 5500 had a dead PRAM battery. The 5400 is limping around on 32 ram,which is what I had lying around, but they both are working great now.