Bladed Weapons

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Reverend Darkness's picture
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Bladed Weapons

I was asked about mine, so I thought I'd start a thread here to get y'all to talk about yours, too... Here we go:

[td]Name (pronunciation)[/td]
[td]Keirnaghen, the Foe-Hammer (KEER-nan)[/td]
[td]Scottish Claymore[/td]
[td]4'4" blade, 5' overall, 10.4 lbs[/td]
[td]Cuchulaen (CUL-en)[/td]
[td]Irish broadsword[/td]
[td]30" blade, 35" overall, 5 lbs[/td]
[td]Drae (dree)[/td]
[td]ornamental light sword[/td]
[td]31" blade, 36" overall, 3.9 lbs[/td]
[td]Jim (Jim)[/td]
[td]Bowie Knife[/td]
[td]11" blade, 15" overall, 4 lbs[/td]

These are just the ones that told me their names. I have a score of miscelaneous pocket knives, boot knives, hatchets, skinners, and daggers that I don't have names for...

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Bladed Weapons

And my meager collection:

Name . . . . . . . .Type . . . . . . . . . . . . Stats
------------------------ ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Colada del Cid . . light sword (replica) . .32" blade, 39.25" overall appx 5 lbs
My pet . . . . . . .dagger (light weight) . 5.5" blade, 9" overall handmade
Ticonderoga . . . shive (#2 pencil) . . . . 7.5" overall, worn behind left ear at all times Wink


eeun's picture
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I've got my Olfa retractable and few variations thereof.

It's always razor-sharp - literally - clean and oiled when I think about it, and cuts a mean negative, opens freezies and packages, and occasionally gets used in my model building or emergency repair work.

I got it when I started in the Pre-Press department in 1998, and it goes with me everywhere. Why I think it counts among these other blades is the astounding utilitarian usefulness of it. I can carry it in my back pocket anywhere - and I do - and would be at a loss without it.

Oh, in some drawer somewhere I've got a single-blade Swiss Army Knife (and a five-billion-in-one version up at the cottage), a 4" jack knife, and few other odds and ends, and some crap-ola poorly cast decorative saber that I left behind in our last house, but the Olfa is better in my books than all of 'em.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 6 days 5 hours ago
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My wife has a beautiful set of Cutco knives in the kitchen. Cutco manufactures knives used by a variety of consumers, including morgues, oddly enough. The attraction here is their ability to retain the edge under heavy use. I cannot believe how sharp these things are.

Incidentally, super glue is an excellent means to close open wounds inflicted by very sharp knives, such as the aforementioned. Trust me on that one.


Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: Cutco

Incidentally, super glue is an excellent means to close open wounds inflicted by very sharp knives, such as the aforementioned.

They commonly use medical superglue in emergency rooms. Some company also just came out with a home-use medical superglue product, too.

JetStar's picture
Last seen: 19 years 5 months ago
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Me thinks that nobody should

Me thinks that nobody should mess with you huh? Wink I wouldn't want to be a test of the sharpness of them, that's for shure!

Reverend Darkness's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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I can shave with all except Keirnaghen, and that's only cuz he's to damned heavy...

sourapple's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Yeah, now im really scared to

Yeah, now im really scared to invoke the darkness (quote from your sig)

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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I've got a few blades heree i

I've got a few blades heree in the desk drawer, right by the front door. Piss me off enough and they are litterally 18" from my hand when I'm at the door. Dirol Never had to pull one on anybody (the only time I might have, the people went to my neighbors and he scared them off...) but I doubt I'll need too any time soon. Being 6'2" and 190Lbs doesn't hurt the "go away" image if I need to adopt it...

Buck 105x Knife 5" blade w/ factory leather sheath
2x Indian daggers, cheap but with nicely painted handles and matching locking sheaths. 5.5" and 7.5" blades.
Nepalese Gorkha Army knife w/ 9" curved blade, missing one of the two secondary 2" blades because it was taken at the Nepal customs to prevent the taking of a "complete" Nepalese treasure out of the country. Or some such excuse they claimed at customs.

The 3 foreign blades were brought back by my dad on his trips through India.

Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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I have:

Katana - 28" blade 39" overall
Wakizashi - 16.5" blade 27" overall
Cold Steel San Mail Tanto - 5" blade 11.5" overall (IMO this is one of the finest knife blades currently made)
Cold Steel folding tanto - 3" blade, 8" overall
Spyderco Merlin - 2.5" blade 7" overall (my current carry knife)

I also have 2 29" rotan sticks and a 23.5" stick cut to match my arm.

None of my weapons have names

Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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Posts: 851
Re: Cutco

Incidentally, super glue is an excellent means to close open wounds inflicted by very sharp knives, such as the aforementioned. Trust me on that one.

I can attest to this one after gluing a big slab of flesh back on my thumb that I lost in class 2 weeks ago. There are special grades of glue without such harsh solvents that don't burn as much though.

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