Apple III Motherboard PCB files ??

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Joined: Aug 10 2021 - 07:10
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Apple III Motherboard PCB files ??

I dont think these exist but is there any info on Apple iii pcb files or really anything in the realm of apple III replica ?


very interested in this as i have my A1 and A2 replicas.

Last seen: 2 months 2 days ago
Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2587
Apple /// might be a lot more

Apple /// might be a lot more difficult to clone than a ][/][+.  Probably not as hard as a //e or //c due to those havng the IOU/MMU and IWM ASIC chips which would be hard to replicate.  But the /// has some parts that would be hard to find these days.  Probably a lot easier to find an original.  They aren't common but not really that rare or expenisve eihter.  You should be able to find a good working unint betwen $400-$650 on eBay, etc.


Last seen: 6 hours 2 min ago
Joined: Jul 31 2014 - 17:48
Posts: 85
Someone was building up a new

Someone was building up a new A3 motherboard and recently shared the progress pictures in the A3 Facebook group. If you are in that, have a search and you should be able to find it. Not much detail though on who made the PCB or what the plan is with them.


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