Display manufacturers used in PowerBooks.

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Display manufacturers used in PowerBooks.

I'm never really sure where to put my questions, as they seem to run over the preordained lines. This time I'm curious about the manufacturers of the displays in the PowerBook 190cs, and the PowerBook 5300ce. If I could find a busted 5300ce with a good screen on eBay or around here, I'd do that, but it might be easier to go to the parts suppliers directly.

If I had the manufacturer and part number the search would be much easier, but I can't seem to find a comprehensive list on internets. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If anybody is interested, my plan is to snap the 5300ce's active matrix display to onto my 190cs. My quandary is weather or not I'll need the video card out of the 5300ce or if the video card out of any 5300 will work or if the active matrix display would even require additional support. Supporting an external display is not a priority, but getting 16 bit color at 600x800 is. That's all.

Thanks again for any help.

EngineersCake's picture
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Re: Display manufacturers used in PowerBooks.

I found a PowerBook 5300ce on eBay this evening to bid on. It was pretty cheap so if it's a dud, it'll just be another parts machine.

More in 6-10 days.

dankephoto's picture
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Re: Display manufacturers used in PowerBooks.

The 190's video subsystem almost certainly won't drive the 5300CE screen, nor is the video 'chip' swappable as it's hard soldered to the MLB.

Best to just revive the 5300CE you're contemplating picking up.

The old PowerBooks had dedicated displays matched to particular hardware video drivers. It's not like modern displays what use some sort of standard interface.

dan k

applguy's picture
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Re: Display manufacturers used in PowerBooks.

Here's a few links I spotted on ebay for 190c's if these help-
1. http://cgi.ebay.com/Apple-Powerbook-190CS-Laptop-Parts-Repair-/120685768940?pt=Apple_Laptops&hash=item1c196eb0ec
2. http://cgi.ebay.com/apple-macintosh-powerbook-190cs-parts-only-/290533533125?pt=Apple_Laptops&hash=item43a525e5c5
Here is the DeFacto standard blurb for Powerbook 5300 & 190 Series Powerbooks:

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