I have been having trouble with Apple II Merlin version 1.34 for a LONG time. Running it on the Virtual II emulator with Apple II E ROM, I can enter 6502 assembly programs, no problem. But the OBJ command keeps returning an error upon assembly. Leaving that one out, I enter the Monitor through Merlin and try to run the program by entering '300G' (after inserting ORG $300) but all I get is a listing of that address, not an actual program run.
Does anyone have any solutions? Maybe the name of another good emulator?
Do you have a link to the Disk Image of Merlin your using??? I can try it on an Apple ][, Un-enhansed ][e or Enhanced //e or a ROM 1 ][gs..
I am using Merlin 8 v2.48 for DOS 3.3 right now, but have the Disk and Manual for Merlin Pro and I am using it on AppleWin and on an Enhanced //e..
You might try the Off-Line Version of ActiveGS.. There is Win32, Mac and Linux clients.. I use this one for ][gs Emulation...