Hello group,
Would someone be able to tell me where I can find a replacement magnet (that is known to work) that goes on the cover of the ImageWriter II. Mine was missing when I got the printer and I bought some small magnets from Amazon and they feel much stronger than an original and they didn’t work. The printer still thinks the cover is off. If I put a cover with an original magnet on it on, the printer works fine. And help would be appreciated.
Back in the day I used some old refriderator magnets. The really thick ones, maybe 1 mm. Sometimes I had to flip them over to reverse polarity. Did you try that?
It sounds like it's a magentic switch unless there's a physical difference between the working and non-working lid. Have you tried to use just a magent to trigger the switch to see if you got a polarity problem? Could also try rare earth magent those have a strong magetic field.
Sorry for the delayed response. Thanks for the suggestions. You know I never thought about reversing the magnet and I went and sent them back already. But I think I might try a refrigerator magnet. I never liked magnets on my refrigerator so I don’t have any but the dollar store must.
I’ll let you know if one works. The magnetic field in the original magnet is very low so the refrigerator one may be all it needs