I have been looking for the yellow capacitors with red markings that were used on the NTI boards. These were made by Siemens and have their old logo stamped onto them along with 22 / 25 and date, all in red lettering.
Now, due to a stroke of luck, fate or whatever you call it, I suddenly stumbled upon a bag of these. They were even in their original bag and were manufactured in Brazil. The date code is 12.74.
If you need one, drop med a PM (it may take some time before I respond since I don't log in here very often).
Congratulations! Good find! Most of the time you see a mix of blue and yellow caps on NTI boards.
I have a few capacitors left. If noone here needs them I will offer them on ebay from next week.
I have tested them all, and they seem to be fine. The capacitance is a little on the high side (some up to 30uF), but none below the 22uF nominal value.
What date code are these caps? My NTI board has one of them, may be a good idea for me to buy a spare just in case.
NTI boards seems to have 5 of these. The non-NTI boards used blue 22uF, and I would think that most NTI boards may have a few replacement caps by now. I can't exclude the possibility that some NTI boards could have had a few blue capacitors originally, but it seems unlikely given that they were manufactured at a factory (and wave soldered).
The date is 12.74, meaning week 12 of 1974.