Hey, guys!
Is there anyone out there who is interested in Apple II viruses? I really need the source code for CyberAIDS or Festering Hate, or basically any of the viruses described here
I know it sounds a bit strange. I just met a guy this morning who's a virus collector. He wants to try running them on an emulator. He's also looking for this issue of a magazine that describes how one of the viruses he's interested in works. It's weird :). But maybe someone can help...
Thanks in advance!
I've attached a PDF of that issue of 2600.
We really appreciate your help!
Viruses used to be kinder, not like now. for example, one of them programmatically changed the color of letters from white to black. Imagine, a guy turns on his Apple II with an unknown floppy disk and the screen is black....
The viruses we're looking for look like this:
hi, I'm looking for different viruses on apple 2 (Now I'm looking for CyberAIDS and Festering Hate) did you manage to find them?
write your telegram or discord so that I can contact you.