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....2.5 Ghz DUAL CORE G5....
....And a wireless Keyboard and mouse...
I also have some beach front properity in New Mexico
erm, thats a powerbook G4.
17" to be exact. well actually, im not sure if its a 17" or a 12" because he shows pictures of both.
so if you win, what do you get? A powermac G5, a Powerbook G4 17", or a Powerbook G4 12"? Or all 3?
It looks like instead of Powerbook specs, he's grabbed some for a desktop G5...unless you know of a Powerbook with a Fibre Channel PCI-X Card.
Whether it's an intentional fraud or ignorance...move along. If you're concerned, email the seller, or ebay.
how can he show pictures of an item that is supposed to be sealed in a box, anyway?
looking at the scenery, the two 12" powerbook shots were from the same house, you can tell by the marble counter. all the others just dont match up - one's on a couch, one on a table...seems kinda fishie, or the guy just picked pictures from other ebay listings becuase he cant photograph something that is in a sealed box. should have taken pictures of the box.
peace and love
i just noticed...the picture on the couch with the pc laptop in the bottom corner, that picture was used elsewhere.
as you guys have probably read on this site, some chick had her flat burgled and her powerbook stolen. now the funny thing is i went to the ebay listing she got the idea from and on there is a picture of a powerbook on the same couch. same screen shot. but there is text.
peace and love
I pointed this auction out to eBay support and it looks like they found it questionable too. The auction has been closed.