
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1992 13:45:06 +0800

Peter N Lewis Ph: +61 9 368 2055
This is some example code to demonstrate the use of MyFMenus.unit.
This unit implements FMenus in a similar way to the Finder, which
allows decoupling of the menu position from the code that executes
the menu's command. The example program is not a full shell, it
simply implements the Menus, and each menu selection prints a
message to the console window. It should be fairly easy to understand.
I've used this code in several programs, and it works quite nicely,
avoiding the need to keep changing constants in the code every time
you add a menu item.

TopSoft is working on an advanced version of this (written in C
for some strange reason), if you are interested in that, or other
things that TopSoft is doing, check out the ftp site at in the /topsoft directory, or ask to join
the mailing TS mailing list at
(hopefully you'll join inbetween the flame wars and not in the
middle of one Smile

[Wouldn't it be nice if this came out comp.sources.mac?
Too much to ask I guess]

Hope its useful to someone,

FMenus Example v1.0.0 Copyright 1992 Peter N Lewis

Path: /www/exparrot/

File fmenus-example-pas.hqx22.86 KB
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