Discolour patches - colour floppy discs, CD's, and server icons

'Discolour patches' is a set of 4 patches that modify the extension
'Discolour' by Andrew Welsh/Ambrosia Software Inc.

Discolour makes the Finder display floppy disc icons in colour instead of
black and white. The 'Discolour patches' make modified copies of the
Discolour extension which display colour icons for CD's, PC disks (MS-DOS
format) and shared disks. A new floppy disc icon patch is also included.

You will need a copy of 'Discolour' to use these patches. Discolour can be
obtained from:


The system requirements for this patch are the same as those for Discolour.

This file has been checked with Disinfectant 3.6.

Permission is given for this submission to be included on the Info-Mac CD.

Richard Drysdall, University of Waikato, New Zealand (MIME mail is ok)

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/disk/discolour-patches.hqx

File discolour-patches.hqx160.12 KB
File Type: 