Al_Bunny_Typing_Class 140c

In the previous uploaded version(1.40b), there is a serious bug which
blocks an important feature of this program. This version(1.40c) fixs

Some major changes and bug fixs since version 1.40 are

1. Fix a bug which causes Al Bunny fails to open if the user close
Al Bunny last time with speed mode set to "user-defined"

2. Fix a bug in the pre-defined keysets. Now the non-US keyboard
user will feel that these keysets make more senses. For example,
in level 2 in German keyboard, the user practice 'z' instead of 'y'.

3. Fix a mistake in US-Dvorak keyboard layout file.

4. A change in Racing-Game. Now the obstacle will be moved up after
the user enters the string correctly.

Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Ming H. Kao

Path: /www/exparrot/

File al-bunnys-typing-class-14c.hqx633.64 KB
File Type: 