Sword Dream 1.7.1 for PPC problem and fix

A few PowerPC users recently wrote me about a problem in Sword Dream 1.7.1.
On inspection, I found a bug in the current version of the CodeWarrior
Pascal compiler (the development system we are using for Dream). My code is
safe and sound, but the compiler inserts a bug. (You are interested in the
technicalites? Byte-aligned access to data fails and returns garbage if
made inside a nested function call. OK, so maybe you don't care).
The net results is that now and then Dream will refuse to load an
encounter, say that the scenario file is corrupted, and quit.
This patch works around the bug.

This patch can be applied over any localized version of Sword Dream 1.7.1
(English, French and Italian). It is only useful for PowerPC users. It
should also prevent similar problems - that is, surfacing of the same
compiler bug in other parts of the Dream application - in the future.

Questions? Contact akko@enter.it
Looking for more Dream scenarios, info and software? Surf at

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/game/adv/sword-dream-171-ppc-patch.hqx

File sword-dream-171-ppc-patch.hqx79.53 KB
File Type: 