MacSense October 1996

MacSense News Roundup, October 1996. Volume 3, Issue 7.

Do YOU know what the limited edition 20th Anniversary Macintosh will look

like? MacSense does! Take a look at our October edition to find out.

You'll also learn about System Update 7.5.5 and Apple's new paradigm of

continuous system updates, Netscape for Cyberdog, Photoshop 4.0, Freehand

7.0, and PageMaker 6.5 for the web. And MacSense has the dirt on the

future of Apple e.g. and NetFinder!

NEWS: System 7.5.5 Update ushers in new paradigm, Limited Edition Mac to

be high on style, Motorola's StarMax targets business, and more!

APPLEBITS: Apple's Telecom 3.0 Shell Game, Color OneScanner 1200/30,

Cyberdog 1.1 GM, and more!

QUICKBITS: New Color Stylus Inkjet, Persuasion 4.0 for the net, Photoshop

4.0, Freehand 7.0, and more!

NETBITS: Netscape for Cyberdog, Electrifier 1.5, Rockwell's plan for 56k

modems, and more!

EDITOR'S NOTE: Changing times: the transition of our freezine.

OCTOBER CD SAMPLER: Internet Telephony: Toy or Tool? by Greg Kramer

OCTOBER CD SAMPLER: Tech Support Tales

MacSense News Roundup is a FREE monthly electronic magazine which focuses

on the mainstream Macintosh computer market. Each issue of MacSense

details the most significant news stories in the world of Macintosh

computing and explores how these new developments will affect every-day

Mac users. Packed with vibrant color graphics, it is the founding goal of

MacSense to shed light on a rapidly evolving industry. Moreover, because

MacSense is created and distributed electronically, it is the most

environmentally friendly method of publishing. We hope you enjoy this


The color edition of MacSense requires a Macintosh with at least 16

shades of grey. For optimal viewing, we recommend 16-bit color. The black

and white edition of MacSense can be viewed on any Macintosh.

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