Gerry's Attraction 3.0 (View Lorenz and Rossler Attractors in 3D)

This is an update to an earlier version of Gerry's Attraction in your

I notice that my earlier version of Gerry's Attraction is placed in the
"Games" directory. It doesn't belong there.
It belings in "Science & Math"

Gerry's Attraction is a program for viewing the Lorenz Attractor and
Rossler Attractor in real-time 3D.

Most programs which display these attractors usually give a static 2D
view of these 3D objects which makes it very difficult to see what they
truely look like and how they behave. Gerry's Attractor allows you to
watch points become "attracted" to the attractors over time.

Gerry's Attraction allows you to "fly" around and through either
attractor with total freedom viewing it from any vantage point. (Similar
to how you move around in the game Descent)

Version 3.0 has many improvements over the earlier versions including a
totally re-written 3D engine.

Hardware Requirements:
Any PowerMac running MacOS 7.5 or later with Appearance Manager
installed. (MacOS 8.0 or later comes with the Appearance Manager

Gerry's Attraction may be included on the CD-ROM of the archives.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File gerrys-attraction.hqx165.19 KB
File Type: 