I need some help in a research project. I'm looking for info on a PowerLogix prototype in the US Patent and Trademark Office. Unfortunately, there's nothing listed for "PowerLogix." So.
Can anyone provide me with a PowerLogix patent number? Any number will do!
I want to use it to do a "reverse lookup" of sorts in the USPTO to find other terms (like engineers' names) that I can use to search on...
Many thanks!
There's GOT to be at least ONE person out there that has a PowerLogix product of one sort or another. All I need is to have the patent number read off either the product, the documentation, or anywhere it can be found (if it's in there at all).
Anyone? Bueller? ... Bueller?
Read the 5300 FAQ: http://www.alksoft.com/5300_FAQ/
Nothing in the documentation, or on the web (that I can find).
My card actually says "Copyright 1999" on the top... although what a copyright has to do with anything, I don't know.
. . . notices on PCBs protect the board layout artwork.
p.s. sorry, alk, no gots any of their toys to look at, I assume you've tried searching the USPTO's online archives for prior art terms that might be applicable to whatever prototype you're researching? Are you sure that name wasn't a DBA alias for another corporate entity?
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Peripherals Links Project(tm)
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Yeah, I tried everything I could think of at USPTO.gov. No dice... Go figure, too, that PowerLogix only has TWO registered trademarks! (Well, at least according to their website.) And when I searched for them, I didn't find anything useful. But I'm pretty brain-dead when it comes to the USPTO....
Anyway, I could only find three names of PowerLogix employees. None of those have any results in the USPTO database. Ditto for all the product names I tried. Ditto for any potential trademarks.
I've considered that PL is a subsidiary of some larger company, but I've never heard that to be true. And if it were, I wouldn't know where to find out.
I'm open to any suggestions that you smart folks might have!
FWIW, I'm looking for info about the PowerLogix PowerBoost 5300. It was a prototype PDS upgrade with a ~130/140MHz PowerPC 603e for the 5300 series. It was announced but never brought to market. My goal is ultimately to speak with someone at PowerLogix about the card and add the info to my FAQ.
Read the 5300 FAQ: http://www.alksoft.com/5300_FAQ/
Robin Sharp?
Robin Howdershelt?
Rick Estes?
Robert Jagitsch?
Perpetrator of the 68kMLA's text format impaired:
Peripherals Links Project(tm)
. . . and LinksProjectClassic(tm)
Perpetrator of the 68kMLA's text format impaired:
Peripherals Links Project(tm)
. . . and LinksProjectClassic(tm)
I talked with them. The PPC Accelerator Card was sold to another company, they no longer have the rights to it, that being said, the patent office probably updated the records for the new buyer.
I had sent them an e-mail regarding that a few months back. So, you won't find it under that name any longer. I didn't ask them who they sold it to but someone bought it up. Might be worth 2 seconds to ask them.
>The PPC Accelerator card was sold to another company...
Is that the PowerBoost 5300 prototype to which you are referring? "PPC Accelerator" is rather ambiguous. Fascinating. I was unaware that any other company was even _considering_ a CPU upgrade for the PowerBook 5300 series...
Anyway, I also tried to get in touch with PowerLogix. They politely ignored my emails. That is why this thread exists - I was hoping someone might have more contact info to share - would you like to share your contact? Since I seem to have been unsuccessful in contacting PL, perhaps you would like to share some strategies for "human engineering" and otherwise loosening tight lips.
Read the 5300 FAQ: http://www.alksoft.com/5300_FAQ/
I won't be able to dig up the reply they made untill I have a PPC to run my mail client on. (iMac is under consignment)
When I dig up the e-mail, I will quote it here.