TurboMCS Controller

TurboMCS Controller is an application to interface with the Perkin
Elmer (nee EG&G) TurboMCS Controller, a multichannel scaler hardware
unit. The TurboMCS Controller software uses a serial connection
between a Mac and the TurboMCS hardware to set various parameters and
to control the data acquisition. The TurboMCS Controller software
allows full access to the hardware features and can download the data
quickly over the serial connection.

the TurboMCS Controller software is free for use, although I have
requested a donation to charity from those who find it useful. I am
the author of this software, so any questions or suggestions can be
directed to me at ejensen@unbc.ca. The web page for the software is
at .

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/sci/turbo-mcs-controller.hqx

File turbo-mcs-controller.hqx1.16 MB
File Type: 