Classic Macs for sale

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: May 29 2005 - 22:35
Posts: 284
Classic Macs for sale

1. A Mac SE W/super drive Running OS 6.0.8. The case is somewhat yellowed but in overall good condition. The machine boots with out issues and has 2megs ram, a good sharp CRT and its works very well. It is guarrenteed NO DOA
$20.00 plus shipping from 76086

2. A Mac Classic running OS 7.0.1 and 4megs ram. This machine boots up with out issues, has a good sharp CRT and the case is somewhat yellowed but in overall good condition. It is guarrenteed NO DOA
$20.00 plus shipping from 76086

3. A Mac SE W/Dual Floppy drives. The machine powers up and shows a floppy disk with a flashing ?. Its looking for the OS start up disk. The case is somewhat yellowed but in overall good condition and the machine powers up with out issues. Please Note the case fan is a little noisy but works. It is guarenteed NO DOA
$20.00 plus shipping from 76086.

4. Three TV Tuner cards pulled from working Powermac and Performa Machines. The machines were powewred up and checked then disassembled and parts sold or sent to the recycler. The Tuner cards were known to be working and are
$15.00 each shipped from 76086

5. A non working 1st Gen Mac M0001, This machine does not power up and the case is somewhat yellowed but in overall good condition. If I have read the serial number right it is the 4 thousanth one produced by Apple. The clock battery is dead (Gone) and that may be the reason it won't boot. As I am rapidly thinning out invertory and many of these are going to the recycler. So This is a last call for many of these machines working or not. Asking price for this 1st Gen Mac is
$7.50 plus shipping

6. A working Apple IIe with the 64k memory expanision card and the super serial card. It has been powered up and will load programs via the external 5 1/4 floppy drive with is a little flakey (needs cleaning). and a Working Apple IIc monitor can be included. The screen is sharp and clean but tilted to the right a little (needs adjustment)
$20.00 plus shipping from 76086