hey all, I have recently aquired a greymatter hard drive , not sure if it works or not , due to the fact that I really don't know how it works :O( . I have conected the drive card to SLOT 4 , and when I do a PR#4 or IN#4 they light comes on and I get a cursor and that's about it.... do you know if you need any software that needs to go with this drive to access it? I made sure that I was in dos mode at the time to do a catalog. also , when I do a catalog,S4,D1 I get the same result. hopefully this is just an error on my half , and that someone in this forum , who used to be a bbs sysop and used to use these hard drives , will be able to guide me in right direction.
So, the drive light comes on with PR#4, but nothing happens? Sounds like maybe the drive isn't actually spinning, and it's waiting for data to start flying by the heads. Can you hear the drive actually rotating (maybe over fan noise, if it has one)?
well good news! I got the drive too come on, with a little elbow grease and cleaning , it actually comes up! I have to do a CATALOG,S1 to get it too work , for right now it's in slot 1 , from there , I do CATALOG,V1 i noticed that everything on this drive is in VOLUMES , so naturally V1 would be VOLUME 1 , etc...
just to give you some info on this drive , back in the day , two close friends of mine , actually brothers , ran two fantastic boards , The Simarilian & The Planet Dune , or Dune for that matter , these were awsome HB , CA boards! There is a ton of great stuff on this drive , not only the bbs itself , but along with the tons and tons of great Textfiles and G-Files on there , so I wan't to transfer the files onto 5 1/4 Floppies . Does anyone have any good suggestions on how to copy them over to 5 1/4? Would Copy ][ PLUS or something like that do the trick? And from there I will transfer the 5 1/4 Floppies into .DSK format for use with Applewin.
Congrats on unlocking the data. Since this is a hard drive, I'm assuming it's formatted with ProDOS. But are the volumes you talk about really DOS 3.3 volumes (i.e. created with DOS Master or similar)? If so, it might be easiest to just transfer the whole disk at once with ADTPro and use CiderPress to divide up the loot into floppy-sized chunks. If it's just a big volume full of individual files, then the normal ProDOS utilities would work to select a set of files to copy to a floppy at a time.
Come to think of it, either way, I guess I'd rather deal with the division of data on the PC than on the Apple.
beleive it or not , excuse the spelling , too tired :O( , its DOS 3.3! it comes up with a header , but ofcourse goes to a Syntax error , probably some file in bootup is corrupted I think , but any how , once I pr# the slot its in and drop to dos prompt , I can do a catalog,S4 which is the slot it resides in , and from there for every volume to access , its just catalog, V2 which would be volume two , etc... I did find a Grematter FID program onboard , and I do a image transfer! which is pretty kewl in itself , and each volume fits on a 5 1/4 floppy , kewl huh? and since it makes each floppy a 5 1/4 , I just overwrite the dos tracks using David Dos so I can Tload and Tlist the text files in each volume and peek in a check out what was left , any how , thanks for the reply...
ok , now that the hard drive is up and running , I noticed one time that there was a file floating around the net , it was an image of a hard drive that applewin can use , I think it was .HD for hard drive ? is there a way to do this with the hard drive that I have for the apple? this was it's one large hard drive image that I can use too boot up in applewin?
ADTPro (http://adtpro.sourceforge.net) could probably do it, since it can transfer entire volumes. I'm not entirely sure how ProDOS would view the drive, though - you might want to try it out.
ok , now that the drive is working again , if I install a super serial card II in my //e , and the corect cable [null] , and using adtpro , can I just transfer the whole drive over to the //e , and use it as a .hdd file [hard drive] ? so that I can boot it up in applewin ? this way I can keep the integrety of the hard drive it self without splitting it up at all? there must be a way.......
and the other question is this , and its been some time , I had a super serial card II for my II Plus back in the day , set the dip switches , and did the normal transfer bit to get adt on the apple side working , well I already have 2 versions of adt working , adt regular and adtpro , so all I would really have to do to get the transfering working , is to install a super serial card II , set the dip switches , boot up adtpro , and set it up for com-2 , slot=super serial card , and 19,200 buad rate? and do the same on the pc side?
Yes. You'd call it "whatever.hdv" and tell AppleWin to enable it in slot 7.
Yep, that's the way.
Read all about it here.