I have a collection from apple II, IIC, IIE, IIE enhanced, and II GS. Applied Engineering expansion cards, modem, Seiko? data watch terminal (watch sank in 60' of water), Robotics kit minus card (useless but interesting), card for transferring data from IIC to Dos (I transferred data base to Windows 3.1 in 15 minutes!), too much software to list including Appleworks heavily modified by Beagle Bros predecessor (I used modem to dial customers phone numbers from Appleworks), 3 1/2 drive for IIE, 10 running feet of Incider magazine, about 5 years of Incider mag, 5-10 years of Naug newsletter.
some interesting notes. The first time I saw the II, a customer was doing a cost versur strength comparison for a replica WWI aircraft. He worked for McDonell aircraft.
this is a very good collection of the evolution of the Apple over the years and 3rd party parts and software that made the Apple so useful.
Yes, I am a recovering Appleholic and need to find a good home for this collection.
And a thank you to Vassant at Computer Plus in Phoenix for all the help back then.
I forgot rgb card and ibm printer card and epson and apple printers.
Does your collection have to be bought in one unit, or are you willing to part it out?
I would prefer as one but....someone is interested in the robotics so?