It's come down to it, gotta let go of the macs. I've had my fun, filled my clost, locked myself inside, and shunned the world far too long. There's stuff outside that doesn't involve spending all afternoon trying to hunt down compatibility or sniping eBay for usefull parts.
The tables are turned, it's now time for some other sniper to take my closet and recoup my bank account. Don't feel too bad though, i'm still keeping my 6100 with YDL and that old DOS card that started it all.
So what will I be doing with all this free time? Well there's this rust bucket
to swap bodies with this junker
which also involves a motor swap (85 22re to 97 3rz) and then there's also my oldest baby.
So no real increase of spare time just a change in direction to somthing more practical cause I can't drive a mac to work
would like to thank an Rae, Flores, Whalen, and all the rest of you freaks who put up with my crap on here.
Instead it involves spending all of your vacation out in the sun. Fawkin awesome tan though, went to work and fit in with all the mexicans for once
2 trucks stripped, First truck being chopped up and taken to the recycling yard. Yet to come, motor swap, body swap, and wiring fun.
Yeah this probably should be in the Other Tech section.
Sorry to hear you're going to get a life again ;-). Still, hope you stop by from time to time, and do keep us informed on all of your auto projects.
[EDIT] Please nobody hurt me for the post title. It was only a joke...
and that was before sandblasting, primering, enameling, and rubber coating. Needed lots of fabrication on motor mounts though that's not going to work as planned.
Like anyone cares.
. . . looks like it OUGHT to be a fun project. Keep us posted regarding your progress: good, bad & ugly!
I'm a newcomer to car repairs, but I'm trying to make up for lost time (and money, thinking back on all that stuff I could have been doing myself over the years...)
I'm currently researching dropping a new tranny into the Geo (a standard tranny in the li'l puddle jumper weighs about 65 kilos!), so yeah, keep us posted when you have the time.