Hey im planning on making a G3 to host my media files. i have a g3 beige 266 and another g3 beige mobo. im new to such a project so i have a few questions. I am trying to do tis as cheaply as possible.
would it be beneficial to run 2 g3s in parallel?
what os/software do you recommend? os 9? os x? is linux possible?
will this configuration be able to communicate well with my windows pcs?
do i need a floppy drive?
Thanks for the help
1)yes, it probs would be better to run them in parralel
2)linux is almost definitely possible. i recommend using samba server, as its fast and effiecient.
3)it will almost certainly work with your PCs
4)you shouldn't need a FDD
Thanks for you help, i assume the guide from project appleseed will be the best way to go about connecting the mobo's in parallel, so now i have a few more questions.
is there any particular linux distribution that you would recommend to do this with?
how much ram do you recommend per mobo?
Thanks again
could you please post the link to the project abou linking the mobos in parallel? That sounds interesting.
Run AppleShare/IP 6.something on Mac OS 8.6. That makes a fast, reliable, and easy to use server. windoze access is supported but I've never tried that feature (no windoze boxen here!). The AppleShare/IP software used to be expensive, but now you should be able to find it for next to nothing. You'll want about 100M RAM, and a CD drive would be useful.
Yes you could use Linux. You might even get the parallel mobo idea to work. But why make things hard on yourself? It's a Mac. It just works.
theres the link for project appleseed