Looking for regular Color Classic System

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Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 4 2005 - 20:47
Posts: 67
Looking for regular Color Classic System


I've been looking a Macintosh Color Classic system for quite some time now, yet I just can't find anything appealing. What I am looking for is just the plain CC in good condition, meaning not all to banged / scratched up, discolored ... don't seem to have any luck with it... if it's just a well functioning, okay-looking unit it'd be fine already. Of course included keyboard, mouse, and software would definiatly be a plus! Smile If there's someone out there being willing to part with their 'baby', feel free to make an offer. Thanks! :coolmac:

-- Benjamin (B.Dressler[at]gmx.net)