This cable from Rev A-D G3 imac (pic inside)
Submitted by landon on August 3, 2005 - 2:01am
I accidentally burned out the cable pictured below in my Bondi 233 iMac G3. I'm not sure what it's called, but it connects near the processor cage to a socket labeled J6.
If anyone can help - or point me to where I may find one - that'd be great as I'd really like to get it working again. Thanks!!
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Ahem, soldering iron accident?
If you don't mind my asking, how did you manage to "burn" out that cable? Aside from the odd soldering iron incident, I can't say that I've ever burned a cable that I didn't have in close proximity to burning thermite.
Apple really should put a warning in their documentation. Something to this effect: Accidentally or intentionally burning your Apple computer, or any part thereof, will render your warranty void. Apple reminds all users to locate their computers a safe distance from fire or excessive heat sources and explosives. Only you can prevent meltdown.
Okay, so it's a dumb warning, but it's no worse than the package of peanuts that warns consumers that the package may actually contain peanuts!
It is the infrared cable. I think I might have one from my 233.
You could fix that cable
You could fix that cable yourself. Just get a 40 pin IDE cable and cut it to length, then strip off the extra wires. Carefully take apart the connectors at each end of the bad cable, and clamp them onto the new cable.
your user name?
BTW, why is your username landon?!?!?
we went through this before
it is not THE Steve Landon. His first name is landon. He is in the gov (I think deputy or sherif) down south
I think Dr Webster's suggestion is the best
the other thing is to peel the wires back (the broken ones), and bridge a wire between the two connections, Seeing as they are on the outside.. it should be easier to do that that then to make a connection out of an ide cable. At this time, one of those cold heats are best.
Thanks all! Answers...
I went away on vacation and came back to all these replies - Thanks!
First off, I burned it by adding VRAM to the iMac and when I put it back together I managed to slice the edge of that wire on the iMac's own metal chassis. When I turned it back on, it lit up, popped, and turned off. Taking it back apart yielded the burned cable.
I don't think it's the infrared cable (unless the machine won'twork without it.) It connects to a slot labeled J6 next to the processor, travels past the optical drive and HD and connects on the underside of the iMac's internals.
My first name is Landon, I live in Seattle. I chose that name before I knew about Steve Landon - but I would have chosen it anyway as I use it on a lot of forums.
I think I'll try the IDE cable suggestion- Thanks! But I would still like to track down an original cable...