Just because I can...
A friend passed on an old IIsi to me the other day. I've installed a much larger disk (4.1 gb)- yes I know - keep with me
I've partitioned it with 500 MB for the Macintosh System and put system 7.5.3 on it (yet to upgrade to 7.5.5) - then put Debian 68 k on the rest.
ANd it works!
There is only one problem now. It's only got 17MB of RAM. Has anyone got some old 16 MB ram they don't need (a quartet thereof of course!)
(Long time, no type. I ended up working for MacFormat for a while.... Long story:D )
hi nikki
I found 16MB ram for the IIsi around $20. Let me know if you want a link.
Is that 4*16MB? Or just one 16 MB stick?