Apple II

Transferring Files/Prgs to CFFA 2.0 card?? HOW

Hello ..I must be butt stupid but.... Blush just started using my CFFA card I bought In 2006 And I can't seem to find anything on HOW to transfer files to the CF card from My laptop.. I have the CFFA setup and formatted and boots from slot 7 on my APPLE IIE and GS .. Since the Laptop does not recognize the CF card .. how can I load the card with Programs? I must be overlooking something... Mike


Is the lamp in the power switch of the kensington //e system saver replaceable?

It looks to me it can't be replaced since the switch itself cannot be disassembled but just in case I decided to ask here too. Thank you.


SIDER II Terminator and Troubleshooting Questions

Hello.. With A bunch of Apple Stuff I got A SIDER II hard drive and Card..When I initially tested it it worked fine.. but as I was working with it the drive itself became unplugged. After restarting the Apple IIe and drive .. Now It dosn't boot I tried the Installation Process and the card seems to pass but it says the drive failed to start up fast enough.. And after Researching it on the WEB I discovered The Terminator was missing.(before I didn't know it needed one).The Drive SEEMS to Spin up Just Like It did before and Seems To make the same sounds..


Wait, Clear and Fre

Hi. Could somebody please explain the when and why to use the CLEAR and X=FRE(0) commands?
How do I use the WAIT command? I used to know...

Thank you for showing me how to simplify my programs as shown in the attachment. (The shaded area reduced to two lines).

Also, I get a Bad Subscript Error if my Angel is greater than 10. I am assuming that you cannot have a value greater than 10 as such a variable. Otherwise, suggestions welcome.

Thanks, again.


SlotBuster II questions

Hello I recieved Some Apple II's one with A SlotBuster II card.. and after looking all over he Web I could find very little about it,,, Would some one know about this card and possible have a manual or have instructions... its has a volume control and what looks like a Z80 cpu chip A 27128 Eprom ... Any info would be greatly appreciated... Mike


Dagen Brock’s Assembly Programming on the Apple IIgs

Dagen Brock, Assembly Language programmer of Flapple Bird, has released some videos about Assembly Programming on the Apple IIgs.


Multiple variable equation problem

I'd like to know how to use one input line to generate a single outcome based on a pre-assigned section of data. An example - using days, weeks, months D$(X) and dollars D(X).


Graphics, sounds, and read/write

Read/write queries and questions about creating and importing graphics or sound.


Maximum Number of Hard Disk Drives / CD-ROM drives in ProDOS 8 and GSOS?

Hi. What is the maximum number of ProDOS 8 hard drives in the last version of ProDOS 8 in an enhanced //e?

What is the maximum number of ProDOS 8 hard rives using GSOS 6.0.1 in an Apple IIGS?

What is the maximum number of GSOS hard drives using GSOS 6.0.1 in an Apple IIGS?

Also, the same on CD-ROM drives.

Thank you very much.


Angry Floppy Drive

I have an Apple IIe, for which I lost my original drive. I bought a replacement off of eBay, which seemed to have been tested.



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