Apple Computer A Clone - running 6800 Processor

Alright, with the first 6502-based Apple computer A clone completed and running, next would be one running 6800 processor. As some of the builders requested, I will include mods for 6800-based Apple computer A clone in the assembly guideline and will share soon. The board on the top runs 6502 processor and the bottom one 6800 processor. I have 5~6 bare boards left.



A couple games for Apple EPROM Interface Card

Hi guys! A small addition to the Apple EPROM Interface Card

I added a couple more machine language games: the cool Codebraker Uncle Bernie that made a lot of noise a couple years ago (with the author's permission) and Microchess Peter Jennings. Now that's 10 programs and games, which is pretty good for a 3-part card.


I wanted to post this as usual on April 1st on Apple's birthday, but unfortunately I was sick all last week and didn't have time to do anything. But as they say, better late than never. I hope you like it.




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