Hi All,
Anyone being watching anatomy for Beginners on Channel 4?
It is certainly a step up from the standard animal disections, though after the skin was removed the body didn't look much like a humban any more...
Why did it come off so easily?
Still, it was only the first episode that was a bit yick.
What do you think about it?
I think i'm gonnna puke... 7 meters of intenstine...and all that poo...
I know the inside of a person can be kinda rough for the squeamish.
I personally find that Soylent Green tastes pretty good. Nothing more tasty than a nicely prepared human.
This sounds so cool! Darn that FCC.
Most skin comes off pretty easily from mammals and non-mammals. You can essentially skin anything with a pair of scissors. Most people think of a scalpel or other knife when they hear "skinning", but my anatomy prof can remove the skin from a cadaver cleaner and about twice as fast with scissors than with a blade.
That's on my "to-rent" list on NetFlix. I had guessed what the secret ingredient was, but... ::)