Hi i got my hands on a Mackintosh SE with a harddrive but it only bootsd about half way before givib an error. What are the chances that my local MAC dealer will have 800k floppys? If i can get my hands on one will i be able to use a PC create the boot/OS disk?
I also got a Mackinotosh se / 30 which didnt work and a Mackintosh which also needs a boot disk.
Is this the right forum? Does a Mackintosh qualify as a an Apple 1 or 2 or what?
Any help appreciated, thanks!
A Mackintosh classifies as an overcoat.
Odds are, you will not find 800k disks. And unless you have another mac, you won't be able to write to them.
The Macintosh SE/30, on the other hand, will read regular floppies. You will want a program called HFVExplorer, and to download some floppy images from Gamba (google for gamba macintosh). Look around for some HFVExplorer guides, they will tell you how to write an image to the floppy.
Staples still has 800k floppies. An SE/30 will also read an 800k floppy. Are you sure that SE needs an 800k floppy? If it has a factory installed harddrive it my have the so-called "SuperDrive" in it. The first SEs to have it were marked "FDHD" but later models weren't marked. Yeah, gamba got wha'cha need in the way of a boot disk.
I tried the drive out of the SE / 30 but its dead. The only thing that still works from the SE/30 is the hard drive and that doesnt boot properly either with the SE. At least i have one to spare
The SE originally had two floppy drives but had a HD added. Ill have to take the whole thing apart to get a look at the floppy drive though which im not looking forward to . . . The drive seems to reject normal floppys straight out though, without semingly manking much effort at reading them.
By Staples do you mean staples.com? Im in ireland so ichecked the UK store and they dont seem to have them.
If the SE originally had two floppies then it's more than probable that they're 800k. By Staples I meant the brick and mortar one down the road at Union Square in New York City.
Keep forgetting that there's no locality on the 'net.
it will not help with the boot disk thing, but i have always found the a regular floppy disk with the holes covered on the right hand side (both topside and reverse) worked for me. At least the mac plus i had never had a problem with it.
thanks ill try that. Will i still need a mac to write the disk?
Hi I don't know if you resolved your issue, but if you do find some 800k floppies let me know. I have a disk image for an 800k boot disk that will boot your SE. Also the SE has a external SCSI connection. If you can get your hands on a Iomega SCSI Zip 100 drive you can hook it up and use it as an external hardrive in combination with the boot floppy to add software. For example: on the boot floppy I made on an 800k disk, I added the Iomega drives extension so after I boot from the floppy the SE sees the Zip drive. On the zip disk in the drive I have "disk tools" and the full install of OS 6.0.8 and 7.0.1. Sooo I boot from the floppy insert the zip disk use disk tools to initialize the hardrive then install the OS of my choice. I live here in Silicon valley and have a source for used external Zip 100 SCSI drives pretty cheap. Let me know if you arte interested. Now I am on a quest for 800k floppies. I luckily had a couple laying around from the old days.