Where, do you get parts, for one of these.........?

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Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 17 2005 - 05:17
Posts: 21
Where, do you get parts, for one of these.........?

Hello Everybody !! Smile


Check this out my fellow "Critterers", a real 'ripper!!' of a bargain.. used only by the original owners (two octogenarians), solely for the purpose of commuting to religious ceremonies each weekend....... very low kms and has provision for 18" "thin" radials to be fitted all round!! Twin, double carbs, designed to get you were you want to go...real quick! Parking a cinch!....takes up less free space than a "Mini Cooper"........ and extremely, low use of fuel!..until you 'Floor It'.......

Actually, this is a test to see how 'images' etc load from an "Image Host", which in this case was:- http://www.photobucket.com

Thank you all who worked so very hard to get us out of what the "Forces Of Evil" subjected us to and it's good to finally realise, that my Home Page, now loads correctly...........on ALL browsers. Acute

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Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 17 2005 - 05:17
Posts: 21
RE my Last Post

OOP's - No signature appears above ... but here it does?

Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
Chris Angel

I couldn't help but notice that the rear end of this vehicle just seems to levitate in mid-air. Is this a new technology that improves fuel economy by reducing friction and contact with the ground? If so, it looks very promising. Wink

BTW: I happened to catch an episode of Chris Angel: Mindfreak a couple of nights ago and one of his illusions is to suspend himself in mid-air using only one leg. The vehicle you pictured above, reminded me of the Mindfreak.

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Re: RE my Last Post

OOP's - No signature appears above ... but here it does?

That's always been the case for some reason...


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Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 17 2005 - 05:17
Posts: 21
Speed Traps....

Of course, it has been very remiss of me, by forgetting to include this info., I stumbled across regarding, of all things, Speeding! in The U.S.A.
Now what I know about 'Speeding' on the roads in the States, I could write on the back of a Postage Stamp, after all, you guys drive on the wrong side? of the road, which tends to slightly confuse us "Down Under ", but that's another story.......

Yes folks, go here: http://www.speedtrap.org/speedtraps/stetlist.asp
as this Website lists all of the Speedtraps in the U.S.A., by State and City! Fascinating reading, especially from a non American, which brings me to the point, "Why have we not got a site like this here??" That too, is another story.........

Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
One of those rare moments...

This is one of those rare moments where I find myself at a loss for words. This thread begins with a photo of a vehicle that appears to have only two wheels at the front and no wheels at the back. The thread continues, several posts later, with a discussion of speedtraps in the United States.

Hmmm, if I might be permitted the liberty of extrapolating certain missing information from this thread, might I assume that design8 is intent on violating U.S. traffic laws with one of these levitating wonders? If so, you'd need not worry about speedtraps; no police officer in America would dare to stop a levitating van/truck hybrid as it whizzed down the interstate. After all, how would the officer explain the citation in his report? Indeed, how would the officer explain to a court justice that the ticket was issued to the driver of a levitating car/spaceship hybrid?

I suppose that no judge in the land would force a person to pay such a ticket. At least not until after the police officer that issued the ticket was released from his/her stay at the local psychiatric facility.

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