My Apple I is For Sale :>(

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Last seen: 19 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 31 2004 - 15:19
Posts: 15
My Apple I is For Sale :>(

Hello Again Apple I Forum:

I have been out of touch for a few months. I couldn't seem to access Applefritter from overseas, and now even though I'm back in the States for awhile, I still have trouble getting into the site. It seems that the web server is blocking access from IP addresses starting with 71. That blocks my DSL account. Tom doesn't seem to have a fix for the problem, so I'm now at a wireless hotspot in a mall where I have no trouble getting in (or getting a good coffee).

A couple of items before I get down to the real subject of this post:
First, I would like to publicly congratulate Tom Owad on his excellent book. I was really tickled to see his interview with me and a photo of my Apple I in the book. Having written a couple of books myself, I know and appreciate the hard work he has put into the project for all of us. Way to go Tom!

Second, I was in the British Museum of Science in London a few weeks ago, and prominently displayed in the center of a display hall on milestones in science and technology was a beautiful Apple I EXACTLY LIKE MINE! I did a double take and I'm sure my eyes popped out worthy of a cartoon character.

Now to the main topic of this post. I am unfortunately in a position that I'm going to have to sell my Apple I. My parents, who have been storing my Apple I for me at their house while I've been working overseas have gotten to the point that their health is failing and I must move them into a retirement home. We've sold the house and very shortly I will be losing my storage space here in the US, so all of my toys have to go. The handwriting has been on the wall for awhile now, and I've been slowly liquidating things like my antique camera collection on eBay each time I return to the US. But push has come to shove now and even my most precious items have to go (I just sold my restored 1971 240Z on eBay).

Tom suggested that before I put the Apple I on eBay, I should give the Apple I forum a shot at it first. My original post on the History of my Apple I is still on this forum, so I won't reinvent the wheel by repeating it all here (see post titled "My Apple I History"). Also you can see photos of it at: My Apple I is a museum quality piece in mint condition. Now this is not a bargain basement clearance sale. My Apple I is a museum quality piece in mint condition. I do have a reasonably good idea what it is worth, and while I may be willing to let it go for a little less than I'd really like to get for it, I'm not nuts, and I'm not desperate, so it would be a waste of time to make a lowball offer. Since I am having trouble accessing Applefritter from my IP address at home, if you want to ask any questions about my Apple I or make an offer, I suggest that you email me directly at: I also will try to make it over here to the hotspot in the mall as frequently as possible to monitor the forum.

If anyone out there has a good home for my Apple I, let me know.

Best Regards, Steve

PS If this posting results in an ultimate sale of my Apple I, I plan on donating a portion of the sale to Applefritter to support the good work the site does.

shiftkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: Feb 10 2005 - 18:52
Posts: 51

How much money are you selling for?

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