Why is OS X so noisy? What is making all that noise when it loads up and when you click on icons? Is it the RAM or the harddrive making noise and why would it make different noises than OS 9?
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thats how a hdd works. OSX has more to load than os 9.2. the more it has to load the more noisy it is its nothing to worry about
Also, look at the virtual ram for different apps, that causes a lot of hdd activity.
How much RAM? The swapping to HDD drops off quite noticably when you go over 128MB. By 256 things should be smooth and if you can go 640 like my iBook, it'll almost never swap unless you are doing something major. The iBook didn't swap doing a video import from my FW camcorder and I'd think that would be one of the biggest tests right there.