wallstreet shuts down at random

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westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2004 - 18:03
Posts: 465
wallstreet shuts down at random

i've just come to notice recently that my wallstreet is randoml turning off while running on battery power. i can tell you that the clock battery is dead and that the power adapter connector is loose enough to need something shoved under the connection to charge the computer, but beyond that i have no idea why the computer is doing this. it runs fine off the ac adapter, but while testing the battery since its eight years old and i don't know what it has for a charge, the computer would run fine and then shut off. i would have to do a pram reset and jiggle the power connector (popping from speakers and screen flashing black at this point which it doesn't do unless this power issue occurs) to get it to boot again. the battery isn't drained and nothing else is wrong with the computer. i think the clock battery is the issue and i'll have to replace it when i resolder the power adapter connection, but is there anything else inside the computer-such as the pmu-that could be causing this shut down issue?

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
Posts: 1975
i would think

that your power manager is corrupt. I would look up the docs on Apple's website on how to reset it. I think it is one of the buttons on the back of the machine

zmatt's picture
Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: Jan 22 2006 - 17:25
Posts: 35
mac laptops are notoriuos for

mac laptops are notoriuos for psu's going bad, my freind has a pb 150 and it is still good but we cant get it too boot cause the psu is shot, i would put money on that.

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2004 - 18:03
Posts: 465
the wallstreet doesn't have a

the wallstreet doesn't have a reset button on the back. it's just a keystroke. i think it's supposed to reset the pmu along with the pram, but i'll check up on that to see.

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