I recently acquired this Daystar adapter:
When I plug it into my IIsi and open the Daystar Power Central Control Panel, it shows a math co-processor and 32 KB of cache. Does anyone know what this card is and what PDS cards it can support? Specifically, can it support a Daystar Powercache 030 or a Turbo 040? I have a Turbo 040 and this specific adapter card is not shown in the manual so I am guessing it won't work for either the 030 or 040. Can anyone confirm or shed some light on this card? If anyone has can tell me what the two switches are for, I'd love to know what they are as well. I'd guess that they enable/disable each of the PDS pass through slots.
Any help on identifying this card and its capabilities would be greatly appreciated!
i would assume since this is an adapter card that it would work fine with pretty much any 030 or 040m processer upgade that is a pds card.
You can destroy your computer, the adapter and/or the PDS card by throwing in "any old" PDS card.
Search these forums - there has been loads of recent traffic on this subject. Unfortunately the "search" function up in the top left corner is terminally whack, so use google with "site:applefritter.com" as your last search term. (without the " of course)
Also read here:
That it's not the "plain vanilla" IIsi PDS adapter that is used for the PowerCache cards. I happen to have on of those, and your card is far more sophisiticated. I have a graphic of all the adapters for the PowerCache cards (that I'll try to inline), and one of those does look like yours, sorta. I couldn't quite make out the number on the back of the card. Daystar does still have some of the adapter model numbers on their website, at least for the Turbo 040.
edit: I'm an idiot. I can't get the inline to work. I'll try later.
here's the graphic:

My PowerCache manual shows the card in the 11 o'clock position in the illustration as the DualPort IIsi (shown below). It has an FPU but no cache or the dip switches as my card at the top of the post. THe number on the sticker on the back of the card is 104212-2. I have googled this with no joy.

but, I did find this Applefritter thread that might help. I haven't had time to read it top to bottom, but the original poster had the exact same card you do. Give 'er a spin. Perhaps a well placed PM to dankephoto or a call to Daystar. Here's the thread:
p.s. I agree with the poster in the above thread about making an encyclopedia of se/30 IIsi pds cards. They aren't THAT numerous.