Good plastic fill compound?

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Good plastic fill compound?

Has anyone found a good compound for filling in nicks or scratches in a Mac case? I want to go a bit further than that and fill in some areas of a case (as in some lines on IIcx cases). Has anyone tried this? I think it can be done, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make the filled area invisible unless I sand it and the entire case smooth - which I don't want to do. Case will be painted, so that should cover it, I just don't want a totally smooth case but that may be the only way.

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Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
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For filling in relatively large gaps, folks on this list have in the past recommended bondo, the autobody filler product.

For texture, I'm thinking a vinyl repair kit might work. These are liquids that are meant to repair cracks, tears and small holes in vinyl upholstery. The liquid wouldn't do you any good, but often these kits come with little texture pads that one presses on the wet liquid after application to mimic the texture of exiting vinyl. I'm wondering if these pads might have a similar texture to a Mac case; if so, perhaps you could press them into the surface of a freshly bondo'd patch before the bondo sets up.


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Maybe an epoxy putty would work? I haven't tried it myself, but I imagine it would work OK. You could put it in, then add some texture that closely resembles that on the Mac's case - maybe good quality non-sand-losing sandpaper - to a roller and roll over the putty while it's still pliable. That may work...

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matching textures seems unlikely

I'm skeptical anyone could fill areas of a plastic case and have the filled sections match the original texture. I think the only way to get a consistant texture over all is to smooth out the entire thing. That said, one could certainly do some interesting design with bondo on a plastic case. Hmmm, I've got a sandblaster, I should do some experiments texturing plastics (and cured bondo.)

Yeah, I think auto body filler (bondo) is probably the best choice for filling slots, grooves, etc. However, GRP polyester filler might be interesting, see a boating supplier.

Hey, how about using a textured paint? Like the stuff they sell for cracked ceilings? Blum 3 Seriously though, there are suitable texture paints. One type I like is the wrinkle finish, like used on old-time equipment. Auto parts stores carry it.

Dan K

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Spot Putty

You can pick up a tube of automotive spot putty for cheap. It's a single-part filler, and thins with acetone (though it's probably not necessary to thin it). The two-parts mentioned above should work, too, but watch out because some of the two part putties are very thick and tough to feather out.

Of course, the best way to replicate the original case texture over the filled scratch would be to press in a plasticine or latex cast of some of the original case texture.

Roll out a snake of plasticine, then roll it over an undamaged section of the case so it picks up the texture. Apply your putty over the scratch and remove the excess with a Q-tip or disposable brush. Putting masking tape around the scratch can help get the putty only where you want it.
Once it starts to dry, remove the tape, take your textured plasticine snake (no jokes, please... Wink ) and roll it over the putty.

And, erm...I've never tried this on anything with this small a texture before.

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